Study image characteristics of cottage settlement

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Davydenko L.I.

    Resource and expert center of builders “VLASTRA”
    Vladivostok. Russia


Low-rise construction is booming and the construction of cottage settlements is gaining popularity among property developers and buyers. The favorable image of the cottage settlement has a positive effect on the image of the company-builder and contributes to a successful sale of the object. Therefore, research of image characteristics is very important. The research was conducted by questionnaire of potential buyers in terms of their benefits from the acquisition of the house in a cottage settlement. It was found that the buyer’s benefit is expedient to correlate with their value to humans. The survey results were used to forming the image of the cottage settlement at the stage of its building in Primorsky Region.

Keywords: image, image characteristics, cottage settlement, consumers, benefits, value of goods.